Imaginative, clever and often humorous, this beautifully illustrated poetry collection by Valerie Bloom is inspired by the strange and wonderful creatures of the natural world.
Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction.
Text type: A poetry book
Curriculum links: Citizenship"
Imaginative, clever and often humorous, this beautifully illustrated poetry collection by Valerie Bloom is inspired by the strange and wonderful cr...
Brings together two of Valerie Bloom's popular poetry collections. Bloom's poetry mixes standard and Jamaican English. Her subjects range from global pollution to problems with maths homework and to the sad demise of a pet frog (he croaked of course).
Brings together two of Valerie Bloom's popular poetry collections. Bloom's poetry mixes standard and Jamaican English. Her subjects range from global ...
Lime/Band 11 books have longer sentence structures and a greater use of literary language.
Text type a poetry book.
Pages 30 and 31 tie many of the poems together in a reader response page that shows the river s journey to the sea, and can be used as a prompt for speaking and listening activities.
Curriculum links Geography: "Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features, including beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather.""
Poems inspired by the world all around us.
Lime/Band 11 books have longer sentence structures and a greater use of literary language.
Collins Big Cat supports every primary child on their reading journey from phonics to fluency. Top authors and illustrators have created fiction and non-fiction books that children love to read. Book banded for guided and independent reading, there are reading notes in the back, comprehensive teaching and assessment support and ebooks available. Christopher Brown loves drawing. When he enters the local art competition he doesn’t realise that his photo research will lead him to becoming a detective and solving the village crimes! Emerald/Band 15 books provide a...
Collins Big Cat supports every primary child on their reading journey from phonics to fluency. Top authors and illustrators have created fiction and n...