a A very engaging saga...a a Washington Post Book World a A powerfully resonant work...a a Publishers Weekly a Outstanding foreign fiction...a a USA Today Savushun (pronounced a sa-voo-shoona ) is a folk tradition, surviving in Southern Iran from an undateable pre-islamic past, that conjures hope in spite of everything. The novel chronicles the life of a Persian family during the World War II Allied occupation of Iran. It is set in Shiraz, a town which evokes images of Persepolis and pre-islamic monuments, the great Persian poets, the shrines, sufis and nomadic tribes all within a historical...
a A very engaging saga...a a Washington Post Book World a A powerfully resonant work...a a Publishers Weekly a Outstanding foreign fiction...a a USA T...
A collection of stories that not only portray, with incomparable perception, humor, and compassion, women from the various strata of Iranian society, but they also capture the essence of a traditional culture undergoing change.
A collection of stories that not only portray, with incomparable perception, humor, and compassion, women from the various strata of Iranian society, ...