Beginning with the plague and its ravaging hold upon the city of London, the story follows the adventures of Catherine Constanza, beautiful, young, and suddenly bereft of all she knows. Catherine perseveres through her misfortune, and soon begins a star-crossed love affair with Shakespeare; the excitement and deceit at the Globe Theatre, the devastation and degradation of Newgate Prison, the glitter and intrigue in the court of King James I, and the harsh reality of the Jamestown Colony follow. Rich with Elizabethan flavoring, A Pageant of Shadows is a saga full of action while staying within...
Beginning with the plague and its ravaging hold upon the city of London, the story follows the adventures of Catherine Constanza, beautiful, young, an...
Is there balance in the world, a recompense in which the victimizer becomes the victim and visa versa?
Tivoli and Tamara Nolan, identical twins, offer an answer to this question.
An Uncommon Bond has allusions to the connection between the psychic world and the everyday world as we know it. But it is full of action, of the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, and of the romance of young love betrayed. It spans California, Japan, Rome, Paris, London and other fascinating places while the intensity of the story builds, making it impossible not to turn the pages. It is only in the world beyond...
Is there balance in the world, a recompense in which the victimizer becomes the victim and visa versa?