Known to be a masterpiece of freethought literature. The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors has been out of print but sought after for many years. A small part of it was reprinted in The Book Your Church Doesnt Want You to Read in 1994, thereby causing renewed interest. Many people are unaware that before Christianity there were 15 other religions that also had a savior who died for their sins, then arose from the dead. Graves gives all the details inside, plus much more found in common like the immaculate conception of the gods, virgin born gods, magi, shepherds and angles who visit the infant...
Known to be a masterpiece of freethought literature. The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors has been out of print but sought after for many years. A sma...
If the Devil exists, where is he? Is he really in a place called hell? If so, where is that? This well-researched book may shock you by exposing all the basic facts about the devil. Things like: -- The origins of hell. -- Where the Christian Devil was borrowed from. -- Why the church needed a "bad guy" to represent evil. -- What the words Devil and hell really meant in the Old Testament. -- "Endless punishment" and its devastating effects. -- The Devils twin brother -- God Was this true? -- Why God was the author of evil according to the Bible.
These and other...
If the Devil exists, where is he? Is he really in a place called hell? If so, where is that? This well-researched book may shock you by exposing all t...
Khrisna of India. Thammuz of Syria. Esus of the Celtic Druids. Mithra of Persia. Quexalcoati of Mexico. All were crucified gods, and all met their fates hundreds of years before Jesus appeared on the scene. In this foundational work of modern atheism, American spiritualist KERSEY GRAVES (1813-1883) breaks the Christ myth down into its component parts and ably demonstrates how the story of Jesus has its roots in the depths of antiquity. Here you'll read about the surprising prevalence throughout global folklore of: . the miraculous and immaculate conception of the gods . stars that point out...
Khrisna of India. Thammuz of Syria. Esus of the Celtic Druids. Mithra of Persia. Quexalcoati of Mexico. All were crucified gods, and all met their fat...
Isus Cristos nu a fost singurul Fiu al Divinitatii crucificat pentru mantuirea omului si nici primul Mantuitor intrupat pentru a indeplini aceasta misiune divina. Autorul identifica multe alte cazuri ale unor mantuitori trimisi de Divinitate si realizeaza o comparatie intre acestea.
Isus Cristos nu a fost singurul Fiu al Divinitatii crucificat pentru mantuirea omului si nici primul Mantuitor intrupat pentru a indeplini aceasta mis...