Follow the adventures of young Atlantis Sinclair as she discovers she's a lost princess of a far away land, and is whisked away with her friends to Deep Earth to save the Enchanted Lands from the evil Spider King and Queen Lake.A new, fresh children's story filled with a magical adventure that speaks about friendships, believing in yourself, and the importance of a child having a loving forever family through foster care and adoption.
Follow the adventures of young Atlantis Sinclair as she discovers she's a lost princess of a far away land, and is whisked away with her friends to De...
The Adventures of Princess Atlantis, the Musical is a new, fresh, children's Jukebox musical filled with familiar pop songs that leads to a magical adventure for all ages. The story speaks about friendships, believing in yourself, affection, jealousy, treachery, life, death, and the importance of a child having a loving forever family through foster care and adoption.
The Adventures of Princess Atlantis, the Musical is a new, fresh, children's Jukebox musical filled with familiar pop songs that leads to a magical ad...