A history of German aviation from the very early days to the present time. Old and new through both World wars. Biplanes - Triplanes - Seaplanes and Monoplanes, plus other types. Details on: - performance, dimensions, weights, first flights, pictures and plans, plus other relevant details. The book contains around: - three hundred and thirty five pages - six hundred and tweve pictures and one hundred and forty one plan diagrams. There are details on around one thousand, four hundred and forty five individual aircraft. Manufacturers include: - Euler - Eurocopter - Fieseler - Focke-Wulf -...
A history of German aviation from the very early days to the present time. Old and new through both World wars. Biplanes - Triplanes - Seaplanes and M...
The aviation history of German aircraft from the very early days to the present. Details of around five hundred and twenty four aircraft. From the 1st. World War types and the 2nd. World War aircraft. Fighters, bombers, reconnaissance, trainers, civil types. Landplanes, seaplanes, airships, rockets, bombs - lots of stuff. An archive of information.Thye series of books comes in four volumes. In this volume some of the larger companies include :- Junkers - Klemm - LFG Roland - Lippisch - LVG - Messerschmitt plus many others. There are around 524 pictures & 195 plan diagrams. Details on some...
The aviation history of German aircraft from the very early days to the present. Details of around five hundred and twenty four aircraft. From...