If you are like me, you hate being in debt Every month you watch, your money run out before the end of the month. You scrape around for fuel and grocery money, and then finally you hit the credit cards, hoping they hold sufficient funds. If you want to get out of this cycle of worry over debt, this book may be your answer. I say, "May," because although this book will definitely give you techniques for controlling, managing, and even getting out of debt altogether, it will not do the work for you. That will be up to you. This book will reveal how to destroy your debts, including your...
If you are like me, you hate being in debt Every month you watch, your money run out before the end of the month. You scrape around for fuel and groc...
In the field of human character development, integrity is the last frontier. Many people use the word but few really know what real integrity is. This book breaks down the fundamental components of personal integrity and offers a path to attaining it. Like success or happiness, integrity is a journey not a destination. We can only judge the measure of how far on the path we are through the observation of our inner voice, the voice of our conscience, and through deep contemplation and reflection. This journey of personal excellence is not an easy one, and as a friend once said, "When peeling...
In the field of human character development, integrity is the last frontier. Many people use the word but few really know what real integrity is. This...
This is a practical book on winning in the Options trading market. Whether you are a sophisticated investor or a complete novice, this book is for you. The author takes complex ideas and explains them in a way that is both practical and easily understandable by anyone. Having used these techniques to achieve Financial Freedom, Mr Blankson now shares with you how he did it. There is no waffling here, just plain speaking and powerful techniques everyone can apply.
This is a practical book on winning in the Options trading market. Whether you are a sophisticated investor or a complete novice, this book is for you...
This book contains simple but effective techniques for achieving regular and consistent profits from stock trading. Unlike other books on the topic, it's not full of theory and projections but practical advice learned the hard way, by trading personal hard earned cash daily in the world's stock exchanges. And unlike other books on the subject it's not about how to be a stock trader and trade other people's money but on how to grow your own funds to a level where you will never have to work for anyone again. This book contains real techniques used by the author to amass a fortune significant...
This book contains simple but effective techniques for achieving regular and consistent profits from stock trading. Unlike other books on the topic, i...
UK residents pay some of the highest taxes in the world. Most of these taxes are hidden through VAT and service charges. This guide clearly explains what taxes you are paying and which ones you can and should avoid paying through claiming your allowed deductions and allowances. Prudent tax efficient estate planning is explained in detail and 100's of tax saving ideas are shared within these pages. Whether you are a qualified accountant or a layman, you will find this little guide an invaluable source of tax saving ideas and strategies.
UK residents pay some of the highest taxes in the world. Most of these taxes are hidden through VAT and service charges. This guide clearly explains w...
A positive attitude will guarantee happiness in your life, promotion and growth in your career or job, peace and joy in your family life and a positive attitude has even been scientifically proven to help extend your life expectancy. So what is Attitude and how can it help you? Attitude, so often misunderstood yet so vital for success in every aspect of our lives. In this book, this essential success attribute is explained in detail. What is attitude, how can you develop a positive one, what are the benefits of having a positive attitude and how your attitude can be eroded and turned into a...
A positive attitude will guarantee happiness in your life, promotion and growth in your career or job, peace and joy in your family life and a positiv...
If you have ever wanted to know how to make money from realestate but could never find one source that listed and explained all the different options available to you, then your search is over. This book covers over 20 different ways of investing into real estate. You will find the authors style easy to understand and very practical. The section on self build is so indepth that after reading it you will actually know how to build a house from scratch, and the section on REITs, Indexes and REIT Options will leave your mind boggling at the potential profits available to you. This book also...
If you have ever wanted to know how to make money from realestate but could never find one source that listed and explained all the different options ...
This book is a detailed listing of all the known and not so commonly known Tax-Havens, their benefits and their suitability for relocation by the low tax seeker. If you are looking for ways to cut your taxes, there is no better way than to relocate to a low or no tax haven. But as we have recently experienced with the South East Asian Tsunamis and earth quakes, it is prudent to carefully select this haven with more than low tax rates as a requirement. A must read for all who aspire to changing their lifestyles by relocating offshore. The havens are listed in geographical order starting with...
This book is a detailed listing of all the known and not so commonly known Tax-Havens, their benefits and their suitability for relocation by the low ...
Today the world fund market is a multi trillion-dollar industry. There are many types of funds and as many reasons for choosing them. In this book, you will learn how Funds work, and how you, can make money with them.
Today the world fund market is a multi trillion-dollar industry. There are many types of funds and as many reasons for choosing them. In this book, yo...