Winning Spiritual Warfare...YOU are the victor!Best-selling author Mary K. Baxter reports from personal experience the opposition we face from unseen and powerful spiritual enemies. In Spiritual Warfare, you will learn how to receive divine protection and use spiritual weapons that are rightfully yours. Then, you can: Take back what satan has stolen.Break free from generational curses.Know what spiritual warfare is and is not.Conquer entrenched sins and habits.Receive healing.Release others from spiritual bondage.The enemy seeks to conquer and destroy your spirit, soul, and body; but the...
Winning Spiritual Warfare...YOU are the victor!Best-selling author Mary K. Baxter reports from personal experience the opposition we face from unseen ...
Angels Among Us Best-selling author Mary Baxter describes dreams, visions, and revelations of angels that God has given her.Explore the fascinating dynamics of angelic beings--their appearance, their assigned functions and roles, and how they operate, not only in the heavenly realms, but also in our lives here on earth. Discover the difference between good angels and bad angels (demons) and their activities as you learn to distinguish angels of light from angels of darkness.God's holy angels are magnificent beings who are His messengers and warriors sent to assist, sustain, protect, and...
Angels Among Us Best-selling author Mary Baxter describes dreams, visions, and revelations of angels that God has given her.Explore the fascinating dy...