Irvin Yalom is one of the best known, most widely-read and most influential psychiatrists in the contemporary world. Through his many books, which are accessible to ordinary readers as well as illuminating for psychotherapists, he has provided a guide for living in a perplexing world. A recent poll of American psychotherapists voted him to be one of the three most important living therapists, but the worldwide success of his books suggests that his prominence is international Rather than positioning himself as a representative of one of the hundreds of "schools" or approaches to...
Irvin Yalom is one of the best known, most widely-read and most influential psychiatrists in the contemporary world. Through his many books, which are...
Irvin Yalom es uno de los psiquiatras mas famosos, leidos, e influyentes del mundo contemporaneo. A traves de sus numerosos libros, accesibles por igual al lector no especializado y esclarecedores para los psicoterapeutas, ofrece una guia de vida para manejarnos en un mundo que nos desconcierta. Una reciente encuesta realizada en los Estados Unidos lo coloco entre uno de los tres psicoterapeutas vivos mas eminentes, aunque el exito mundial alcanzado por sus libros indica que su importancia trasciende las fronteras. Antes que tomar posicion como representante de uno de los centenares de...
Irvin Yalom es uno de los psiquiatras mas famosos, leidos, e influyentes del mundo contemporaneo. A traves de sus numerosos libros, accesibles por igu...