With a good imagination, joined with a passion for writing, the Galaxy Sentinel series was created by Gary T. Brideau, who currently lives in a quiet community southwest of Hartford, Connecticut. With his wife, Lauren, they can promise years of heart pounding space stories. Thor screamed through clenched teeth, "What chance did you give my wife when you murdered her, in cold blood?" The Warlord shrieked in pain, as the broadsword swiftly severed his foot. Desperately struggling on the ground to escape from Thor's rage.
With a good imagination, joined with a passion for writing, the Galaxy Sentinel series was created by Gary T. Brideau, who currently lives in a quiet ...
Eyes red from crying, Yasu stared into Gregg's eyes and said, "Dad, no matter what happens, please don't abandon me." "You have my word, as long as there is breath in me, I'll be by your side, night or day." With that, Gregg kissed his soon to be adopted daughter's forehead and left. Walking down the road, Gregg paused to feel the cool night air on his face and found himself in Dry Gulch; again. Gregg sat on the edge of the bed, put his head in his hands and muttered, "Wow, what a dream that was." His hand then, touched a picture lying beside him. His heart stopped, as he stared at a...
Eyes red from crying, Yasu stared into Gregg's eyes and said, "Dad, no matter what happens, please don't abandon me." "You have my word, as long as...