They were friends, brothers and teammates through all of Marvel's greatest adventures, but recent events turned them into the bitterest of enemies. In the wake of the Siege of Asgard, Thor, Iron Man and Steve Rogers are brought together on the same side once more - but these great heroes can't truly trust each other yet.
They were friends, brothers and teammates through all of Marvel's greatest adventures, but recent events turned them into the bitterest of enemies. In...
A brand new chapter in the saga of Miles Morales, the all-new Ultimate Spider-Man The new Ultimate Scorpion is introduced Still discovering the limits of his skills and powers, Miles must learn how to be a hero - from Peter Parker?
A brand new chapter in the saga of Miles Morales, the all-new Ultimate Spider-Man The new Ultimate Scorpion is introduced Still discovering the limi...
The Avengers and the X-Men are faced with a common foe that becomes their greatest threat - Wanda Maximoff The Scarlet Witch is out of control, and the fate of the entire world is in her hands. Maybe Magneto will help his daughter, or maybe he'll use her powers for his own benefit.
The Avengers and the X-Men are faced with a common foe that becomes their greatest threat - Wanda Maximoff The Scarlet Witch is out of control, and t...
The Guardians of the Galaxy get a reminder of Earth when they cross paths with the all-new X-Men during 'The Trial Of Jean Grey' When an alien race discovers that the original Jean Grey is back on Earth, they decide to hold her accountable for the acts of the Dark Phoenix, and it's up to the Guardians to help the X-Men save her
The Guardians of the Galaxy get a reminder of Earth when they cross paths with the all-new X-Men during 'The Trial Of Jean Grey' When an alien race d...
The future Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, last seen in 'Battle of the Atom', are back - and they're still gunning for yesterday's X-Men But even as the Brotherhood take their next devastating step against the time-tossed teens, the mysteries surrounding Jean Grey begin to unfold Jean came back from her Shi'ar trial different. What does this mean for her future, for the past of the woman she's supposed to become, and for the rest of the X-Men?
The future Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, last seen in 'Battle of the Atom', are back - and they're still gunning for yesterday's X-Men But even as the...