HOW TO LEAD WORSHIP WITHOUT BEING A ROCK STAR is an 8 week study in the heart and skill of worship leading. Topics covered: Why we lead worship, choosing your worship values, character of a leader, building and leading a set, leading a band, arranging a band, mentoring pastor relationships, and pursuing greatness over a lifetime. Study questions are provided for an amazing individual or group 8 week study experience.
HOW TO LEAD WORSHIP WITHOUT BEING A ROCK STAR is an 8 week study in the heart and skill of worship leading. Topics covered: Why we lead worship, choos...
Every day that we wake up, each of us faces a world filled with the clutter of bad news, difficult relationships, and unwelcome surprises. Hope is the inner belief that ..".in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose..." (Rom. 8:28 NIV). Hope, powered by the rocket fuel of Faith, needs to be renewed in us every single day. Stories can help do just that. As we learn how to forgive, to embrace second chances, to walk well through the loss of a job, to grieve, or to experience God's love, we start to become people of hope in the...
Every day that we wake up, each of us faces a world filled with the clutter of bad news, difficult relationships, and unwelcome surprises. Hope is the...