This sequel to Watersteps tells the story of the Coopers' voyage by barge from the North Sea, eastbound across flooded France, down the Rhine in full spate, through the new Rhein-Main-Donau Kanal, and down the Danube to the Black Sea.
This sequel to Watersteps tells the story of the Coopers' voyage by barge from the North Sea, eastbound across flooded France, down the Rhine in full ...
Having lived afloat for over 30 years, Bill and Laurel Cooper share the wisdom of their experience in a practical and inspiring guide to the liveaboard lifestyle cruising inland canals, rivers and waterways in the UK, Europe and America.
Having lived afloat for over 30 years, Bill and Laurel Cooper share the wisdom of their experience in a practical and inspiring guide to the liveaboar...