Isla loves hanging out at her best friend's house and spending time with her kitten. But it seems the family's old cat isn't so keen on the new arrival...
Isla loves hanging out at her best friend's house and spending time with her kitten. But it seems the family's old cat isn't so keen on the new arriva...
Cassie loves the fox cubs who live near her flat - especially little Frost. One snowy night she sneaks out to feed him and ends up following him down to the frozen Thames. But as she reaches the river she finds herself transported back in time to the famous Frost Fair.
Cassie loves the fox cubs who live near her flat - especially little Frost. One snowy night she sneaks out to feed him and ends up following him down ...
Šarlota je nadšená, že se stěhují na venkov, zvlášť když má slíbeného domácího mazlíčka! Vybere si Filutu, zrzavé kotě se čtyřmi bílými punčoškami, a stanou se nerozlučnou dvojicí. Pak ale Šarlotu čeká začátek v nové škole… Filuta se každý den snaží jít za ní, ale pak začne pršet a kotě se ztratí. Jak ho jen Šarlota najde, když nemá tušení, kde je?
Šarlota je nadšená, že se stěhují na venkov, zvlášť když má slíbeného domácího mazlíčka! Vybere si Filutu, zrzavé kotě se čtyřmi ...
Left in charge of looking after her stepbrother's new puppy, Isabella is desperately worried when Honey runs away. Can she find the puppy before Sam comes home?
Left in charge of looking after her stepbrother's new puppy, Isabella is desperately worried when Honey runs away. Can she find the puppy before Sam c...
Coco loves playing at the beach with her new owner Ruby but when Coco gets lost will she ever find Ruby again? Worldwide bestseller Holly Webb makes her Barrington Stoke debut with a truly adorable sausage-dog tale!
Coco loves playing at the beach with her new owner Ruby but when Coco gets lost will she ever find Ruby again? Worldwide bestseller Holly Webb makes h...
A collection of three adorable puppy stories to treasure, from best-selling author Holly Webb: The Abandoned Puppy, The Puppy Who Was Left Behind and The Scruffy Puppy.
A collection of three adorable puppy stories to treasure, from best-selling author Holly Webb: The Abandoned Puppy, The Puppy Who Was Left Behind and ...
Ellie misses spending time with her mum watching the hares play on the common by their house. So when she finds an injured young hare in need of help, will it be her chance to feel close to her mum again?
Ellie misses spending time with her mum watching the hares play on the common by their house. So when she finds an injured young hare in need of help,...