The History of English Affairs, covering the years 10661198, was written at the close of the twelfth century and has been described as being "both in substance and in form ... the finest historical work left to us by an Englishman of the twelfth century" (The Dictionary of National Biography).
The History of English Affairs, covering the years 10661198, was written at the close of the twelfth century and has been described as being "both in ...
This edition of Books I & II of St Augustine's City of God is the only edition in English to provide a text and translation as well as a detailed commentary of this most influential document in the history of western Christianity.
This edition of Books I & II of St Augustine's City of God is the only edition in English to provide a text and translation as well as a detailed comm...
This edition of St Augustine's City of God is the only one in English to provide a text and translation as well as a detailed commentary of this most influential document in the history of western Christianity.
This edition of St Augustine's City of God is the only one in English to provide a text and translation as well as a detailed commentary of this most ...
This edition of St Augustine's City of God is the only one in English to provide a text and translation as well as a detailed commentary of this most influential document in the history of western Christianity. In these books, written in the aftermath of the sack of Rome in AD 410 by the Goths, Augustine replies to the pagans, who attributed the fall of Rome to the Christian religion and its prohibition of the worship of the pagan gods.Text with facing-page translation, introduction and commentary.
This edition of St Augustine's City of God is the only one in English to provide a text and translation as well as a detailed commentary of ...
This edition of St Augustine's City of God is the only one in English to provide a text and translation as well as a detailed commentary of this most influential document in the history of western Christianity.
This edition of St Augustine's City of God is the only one in English to provide a text and translation as well as a detailed commentary of this most ...
In Books I-V of De Civitate Dei, Augustine rejects the claim that worship of the pagan gods had brought success in this life, and in Books VI-X, the prospect of a happy afterlife. In Books XI-XII, the sixth volume in Peter Walsh's series, Augustine turns from attack to defence, for at this point he initiates his apology for the Christian faith.
In Books I-V of De Civitate Dei, Augustine rejects the claim that worship of the pagan gods had brought success in this life, and in Books VI-X, the p...
In Books I-V of De Civitate Dei, Augustine rejects the claim that worship of the pagan gods had brought success in this life, and in Books VI-X, the prospect of a happy afterlife. In Books XI-XII, the sixth volume in Peter Walsh's series, Augustine turns from attack to defence, for at this point he initiates his apology for the Christian faith.
In Books I-V of De Civitate Dei, Augustine rejects the claim that worship of the pagan gods had brought success in this life, and in Books VI-X, the p...