How can a scientifically minded person approach and reconcile the healing events and miracles of the Gospels, including the raising of Lazarus from the dead and Christ's Resurrection? The author rediscovers the healings and miracles of Christ for the skeptical mind without minimizing the the inherent difficulties for modern minds. He brings together historical records and the geographical background of the Gospels, while keeping in view their spiritual wisdom. Emil Bock sees the Gospel of John as giving the most precise record of the events of Christ's three-year ministry, as well...
How can a scientifically minded person approach and reconcile the healing events and miracles of the Gospels, including the raising of Lazarus from th...
Describing the environment into which Saul was born--his education, his conversion before Damascus, and his subsequent journeys--Bock's study gives a truly spiritual dimension to Paul's background, offering a deeper understanding of this great Christian and his teaching. Above all he shows that Paul was the apostle who carried Christianity beyond the Jewish communities and to humanity as a whole. As a zealous Jew, Paul had been convinced he was serving the coming Messiah through his persecution of Jesus's followers, but when the light suddenly came to him near Damascus, his innermost...
Describing the environment into which Saul was born--his education, his conversion before Damascus, and his subsequent journeys--Bock's study gives a ...
Emil Bock interprets John's rich pictorial language, which is often found harsh and mysterious, helping the reader understand that John deals with the universal problems of spiritual development. This is not merely a detailed commentary on the Apocalypse but a profound and encouraging examination of human needs in today's world. Bock shows how we can read The Revelation to understand Christ's position as leader through danger, both in the present and in the future.
Emil Bock interprets John's rich pictorial language, which is often found harsh and mysterious, helping the reader understand that John deals with the...
In an age when much of the Bible is considered irrelevant, it may be the prophets of the Old Testament who are proclaimed least relevant of all. What significance could such obscure historical figures have for our modern world? At best, they are may be thought of as examples of moral uprightness and devotion. Emil Bock, on the other hand, asserts that they are very relevant indeed. Bock shows that the true pulse of the spirit of the age was beating among the Israelite Hebrews of the final pre-Christian millennium. They were the brightly illuminated center of world history, a focus for...
In an age when much of the Bible is considered irrelevant, it may be the prophets of the Old Testament who are proclaimed least relevant of all. What ...
"Als Grundstock der Lider ist bekanntlich die Fascia tarsoorbitalis zu betrachten, eine dichte sehnige Haut, welche, ringsum vom Periost des Orbitalrandes ausgehend, die Vorderoffnung der Augenhohle bis auf die quere Lidspalte abschliesst und daher auch Septum orbitale genannt wird. Die beiden Tarsi sowie das innere und das aussere Lidband sind eigentlich nur Verdichtungen dieser Aponeurose, keine selbststandigen Gebilde. Ich habe in dem ersten Hefte dieser Abhandlungen auf die schweren Ubelstande, welche der herkommlichen augenarztlichen Nomenklatur anhaften; und auf die Notwendigkeit...
"Als Grundstock der Lider ist bekanntlich die Fascia tarsoorbitalis zu betrachten, eine dichte sehnige Haut, welche, ringsum vom Periost des Orbitalra...
Křesťanské svátky tvoří kruh prostupující celý rok: Advent, Vánoce a Epifanie, Velikonoce, Nanebevstoupení a Letnice, svátek svatojánský a michaelský. Tyto svátky jsou vetkány do rytmického běhu ročních dob a životních procesů celého zemského organismu. Náležité prožívání koloběhu roku může být způsobem, jak se sžít s Kristem jakožto Pánem živlů, Pánem života a nebeských sil na Zemi. Bockova kniha k tomu podává pomocnou ruku.
Křesťanské svátky tvoří kruh prostupující celý rok: Advent, Vánoce a Epifanie, Velikonoce, Nanebevstoupení a Letnice, svátek svatojánský...
The Life and Times of Rudolf Steiner Volume One and Two, previously available separately, are now available in one book, offering a truly comprehensive and amazingly detailed portrait of Rudolf Steiner.
The Life and Times of Rudolf Steiner Volume One and Two, previously available separately, are now available in one book, offering a truly comprehensiv...