Morgan Llywelyn's "Bard: The Odyssey of the Irish" is the tale of the coming of the Irish to Ireland, and of the men and women who made that emerald isle their own.
Amergin, chief bard and druid of the tribe of Milesios, lives in a world without poetry. In bleak Iberia, his people would rather do battle than make great art, and Amergin can only dream of a home free from bloodshed. All this changes when Amergin's new servant, a shipwright named Sakkar, tells him of Ierne, a green and fertile land to the north.
Joined by his warlike brothers and tribe, Amergin leads his people across...
Morgan Llywelyn's "Bard: The Odyssey of the Irish" is the tale of the coming of the Irish to Ireland, and of the men and women who made that emeral...