Written in an accessible style and aimed at aromatherapists, practitioners of alternative medicine, and anyone wishing to use aromatherapy to maintain a peaceful equilibrium or bring about positive change, this book concentrates on the mood-changing effects of natural oils. "A good addition to alternative medicine collections".--Library Journal.
Written in an accessible style and aimed at aromatherapists, practitioners of alternative medicine, and anyone wishing to use aromatherapy to maintain...
A necessary resource for anyone interested in alternative approaches to healing and lifestyle, this book contains more than 800 easy-to-follow recipes for essential oil treatments. Now, completely updated, the best book on the topic available anywhere has just gotten better. No one has provided more thorough and accurate guidance to the home practitioner or professional than Valerie Ann Worwood. In her clear and positive voice, Worwood offers readers tools to address a huge variety of health issues, including specific advice for children, women, men, and seniors, as well as self defense...
A necessary resource for anyone interested in alternative approaches to healing and lifestyle, this book contains more than 800 easy-to-follow recipes...
Nová Voňavá lékárna je nepostradatelná kniha pro laiky a profesionály, kteří hledají oporu a inspiraci pro svou práci s éterickými oleji. V knize najdete informace, rady a receptury k těmto tématům: všeobecné informace o éterických olejích – domácí a cestovní lékárnička – obrana proti infekcím – práce a pracoviště – emoční a psychické potíže – miminka, děti a dospívající – ženy – muži – senioři – sport, tanec a fyzická námaha – závažná onemocnění – kosmetika a péče o pleť – lázně – domov – výroba přírodních...
Nová Voňavá lékárna je nepostradatelná kniha pro laiky a profesionály, kteří hledají oporu a inspiraci pro svou práci s éterickými oleji....