The Mr Pattacake series tells the stories of an eccentric chef and his cat, Treacle, who are always getting themselves into sticky situations. This funny series, full of mayhem, is perfect for children who like crazy adventures, food and animals.
The Mr Pattacake series tells the stories of an eccentric chef and his cat, Treacle, who are always getting themselves into sticky situations. This f...
When Matt, Jo, and Dad embark on a new mission at the Cassell Antarctic Research Base, they expect to be able to search this frozen landscape for fossils in peace. But after their precious finds go missing, Matt starts to wonder if Frank Hellman's reach extends further than they'd thought ...
When Matt, Jo, and Dad embark on a new mission at the Cassell Antarctic Research Base, they expect to be able to search this frozen landscape for foss...
Matt and his family go on holiday to Florida! When the gang hear rumour of long-forgotten dinosaur eggs lying in a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean, they can't resist diving in to investigate. This should be an easy mission, but there's a storm brewing, and something about the boat in the distance is troubling Matt ...
Matt and his family go on holiday to Florida! When the gang hear rumour of long-forgotten dinosaur eggs lying in a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocea...
Matt Sharp has a secret talent: if he touches dinosaur eggs, he experiences mysterious visions of the prehistoric world. This is lucky because Matt wants to be a palaeontologist just like his dad. Now that he's twelve, he's allowed to join his father on an exciting search for dinosaur eggs in the Amazonian rainforest.
Matt Sharp has a secret talent: if he touches dinosaur eggs, he experiences mysterious visions of the prehistoric world. This is lucky because Matt wa...
There's trouble Down Under as Matt, Jo and Dad set off on a new fossil-hunting adventure in the opal mines of Australia: the local miners seem to want them gone, Jo's showing signs of opal fever, and those claustrophobic tunnels don't look very safe either.
There's trouble Down Under as Matt, Jo and Dad set off on a new fossil-hunting adventure in the opal mines of Australia: the local miners seem to want...
Mr Pattacake thinks the medieval fun day is going to be perfect. He's made all sorts of weird and wonderful dishes, and even a surprise soltetie for dessert - what could possibly go wrong? But nothing ever goes smoothly for Mr Pattacake. He soon finds himself in a mess when problems strike like a trebuchet; including a ride on a wayward horse that has Mr Pattacake clinging on for dear life. Will he manage to save the day this time?Join Mr Pattacake and his lazy cat, Treacle, in this hilarious story as they go medieval and forget their table manners, put out fires, rescue a damsel in distress...
Mr Pattacake thinks the medieval fun day is going to be perfect. He's made all sorts of weird and wonderful dishes, and even a surprise soltetie for d...
Mr Pattacake receives not one, but two letters! The Queen has invited him to Buckingham Palace to receive his CPE (that's Chef Par Excellence for those of you who don't already know). But, oh no! The corgis detest cats, and Treacle will have to stay at home. To cheer him up, Mr Pattacake lets him help with his second task: a picnic for a hot-air balloon trip. Of course, Mr Pattacake's plans are soon all up in the air and it doesn't look like there's any hope of getting to the Palace on time!Join Mr Pattacake and his lazy cat, Treacle, in this hilarious story as they struggle to fix the right...
Mr Pattacake receives not one, but two letters! The Queen has invited him to Buckingham Palace to receive his CPE (that's Chef Par Excellence for thos...
Mr Pattacake gets the opportunity of a lifetime when he's asked to join the circus. (Not so) lucky Treacle even gets to do his own performance, in a sparkly red cape! But being the butt of the joke doesn't go down well with Treacle and Mr Pattacake, so they come up with a stinker of a plan which leaves everyone gasping for air. Will Mr Pattacake be able to save the day this time round?Join Mr Pattacake and his lazy cat, Treacle, in this hilarious story as they clown it up with the other circus acts and take each day with a pie to the face!
Mr Pattacake gets the opportunity of a lifetime when he's asked to join the circus. (Not so) lucky Treacle even gets to do his own performance, in a s...
The Dinosaur Detectives is a fun filled adventure series following the story of Matt Sharp and his family as they hunt for dinosaur eggs. This fact meets fiction series is great for the young explorer.
The Dinosaur Detectives is a fun filled adventure series following the story of Matt Sharp and his family as they hunt for dinosaur eggs. This fact m...
The Dinosaur Detectives is a fun filled adventure series following the story of Matt Sharp and his family as they hunt for dinosaur eggs. This fact meets fiction series is great for the young explorer.
The Dinosaur Detectives is a fun filled adventure series following the story of Matt Sharp and his family as they hunt for dinosaur eggs. This fact m...