"The Light of Western Stars" is a Western novel by American author Zane Grey, first published in 1914. The story revolves around Gene Stewart, a man's man with traditional western values who likes to drink too much; and Madeline Hammond, a woman who has recently arrived from the East. A fantastic romance novel set in the American Old West, "The Light of Western Stars" constitutes a must-read for fans of Western fiction and is not to be missed by fans of Grey's work. Pearl Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was an American writer most famous for his adventure novels of the Western genre. Other notable...
"The Light of Western Stars" is a Western novel by American author Zane Grey, first published in 1914. The story revolves around Gene Stewart, a man's...
This is American author Zane Grey's 1906 historical novel, "Spirit of the Border." Sequel to Zane's first book, "Betty Zane," this story centres on events occurring in the Ohio River Valley in the late eighteenth century, including the attempts of Lewis Wetzel's to utterly destroy the Native Americans. "Spirit of the Border" is highly recommended for those with an interest in American history and is not to be missed by fans of Western fiction. Pearl Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was an American writer most famous for his adventure novels of the Western genre. Other notable works by this author...
This is American author Zane Grey's 1906 historical novel, "Spirit of the Border." Sequel to Zane's first book, "Betty Zane," this story centres on ev...
"The Heritage of the Desert" is a 1910 Western novel by American author Zane Grey. The story revolves around John Hare, a young man who travels to the West to recuperate and start a new life. However, when he reaches his destination he is accused of being "Dene's spy" and must endeavour to avoid those who wish him harm. "The Heritage of the Desert" is a fantastic example of classic Western literature complete with animal heroes, loyal Indian companion, rustlers, thieves and much more. Pearl Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was an American writer most famous for his adventure novels of the Western...
"The Heritage of the Desert" is a 1910 Western novel by American author Zane Grey. The story revolves around John Hare, a young man who travels to the...
"Riders of the Purple Sage" is a Western novel by American author Zane Grey, first published in 1915. The story centres on Jane Withersteen and her struggle against oppressive persecution by other members of her Mormon church. Considered by many to have had a pivotal role in the formation of the popular Western genre, this fantastic novel is highly recommended for all lovers of Western fiction. Pearl Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was an American writer most famous for his adventure novels of the Western genre. Other notable works by this author include: "Riders of the Purple Sage" (1912), "The Last...
"Riders of the Purple Sage" is a Western novel by American author Zane Grey, first published in 1915. The story centres on Jane Withersteen and her st...
"The Rustlers of Pecos County" is another fantastic example of Western fiction by the master of the genre, American Author Zane Grey. This book is highly recommended for all lovers of Western fiction and constitutes a must-read for fans of Grey's seminal work. Contents include: "Vaughn Steele And Russ Sittell," "A Kiss And An Arrest," "Sounding The Timber," "Steele Breaks Up The Part," "Cleaning Out Linrock," "Enter Jack Blome," "Diane And Vaughn," "The Eavesdropper," etc. Pearl Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was an American writer most famous for his adventure novels of the Western genre. Other...
"The Rustlers of Pecos County" is another fantastic example of Western fiction by the master of the genre, American Author Zane Grey. This book is hig...
"The Call of the Canyon" is a novel by American author Zane Grey, first published in 1924. Set in 1920s New York, it is the story of a veteran returning from war who is nursed back to health by a compassionate girl from Arizona. A powerful tale of Western romance, "The Call of the Canyon" would make for a worthy addition to any collection and is not to be missed by fans of Grey's fantastic work. Pearl Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was an American writer most famous for his adventure novels of the Western genre. Other notable works by this author include: "Riders of the Purple Sage" (1912), "The...
"The Call of the Canyon" is a novel by American author Zane Grey, first published in 1924. Set in 1920s New York, it is the story of a veteran returni...
"Wildfire" is a 1917 Western novel by American Author Zane Grey. The story revolves around Lucy Bostil, a stable owner's daughter who one day happens upon an unconscious Lin Slone. When he comes to, Lin convinces Lucy to rise his horse, Wildfire in an impeding race. However, there are others who would see that the pair fail in their endeavour to win. A classic tale of adventure and daring-do, "Wildfire" constitutes a must-read for lovers of Western fiction. Pearl Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was an American writer most famous for his adventure novels of the Western genre. Other notable works by...
"Wildfire" is a 1917 Western novel by American Author Zane Grey. The story revolves around Lucy Bostil, a stable owner's daughter who one day happens ...
As the American West opened up to settlers after the Civil War, people were eager for tales of great adventures, endless possibilities, and the pioneering spirit. Classic Westerns is a collection of six novels that captured this sense of exploration and brought the rugged landscape into the homes of readers everywhere. These novels--The Virginian by Owen Wister, O Pioneers by Willa Cather, The Lone Star Ranger and The Mysterious Rider by Zane Grey, and Gunman's Reckoning and The Untamed by Max Brand--tell of life on the open plains, in dusty...
As the American West opened up to settlers after the Civil War, people were eager for tales of great adventures, endless possibilities, and the pionee...