Schofield & Sims Fractions, Decimals and Percentages is a comprehensive programme for teaching fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion. The Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Book 3 Teacher's Guide contains everything you need to teach the Year 3 requirements for these topics, including lesson plans and assessment resources.
Schofield & Sims Fractions, Decimals and Percentages is a comprehensive programme for teaching fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion....
Schofield & Sims Fractions, Decimals and Percentages is a comprehensive programme for teaching fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion. The Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Book 4 Teacher's Guide contains everything you need to teach the Year 4 requirements for these topics, including lesson plans and assessment resources.
Schofield & Sims Fractions, Decimals and Percentages is a comprehensive programme for teaching fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion....
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate...
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from...
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate...
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from...
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate...
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from...
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate...
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from...
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate...
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from...
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate...
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from...
The 10-Minute Tests are short, timed tests designed to consolidate skills and build speed and confidence as children approach the SATs. Ideal for independent work sessions at home, the tests provide essential bite-sized practice of key national test topics. KS1 SATs Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 10-Minute Tests contains eighteen grammar and punctuation tests and seven spelling tests. The grammar and punctuation tests contain a mixture of multiple choice, matching, short answer and extended answer questions, and the spelling tests are presented as cloze sentences with accompanying scripts...
The 10-Minute Tests are short, timed tests designed to consolidate skills and build speed and confidence as children approach the SATs. Ideal for inde...
The 10-Minute Tests are short, timed tests designed to consolidate skills and build speed and confidence as children approach the SATs. Ideal for independent work sessions at home, the tests provide essential bite-sized practice of key national test topics. KS1 SATs Arithmetic 10-Minute Tests contains twenty-two short tests to develop children's calculation skills and number fluency. Each test begins with two untimed warm-up questions, followed by twelve timed calculations covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions. Questions are presented in the same style and...
The 10-Minute Tests are short, timed tests designed to consolidate skills and build speed and confidence as children approach the SATs. Ideal for inde...