The history books are filled with the names of World War II heroes. Among these heroes are Teddy Sheerin and Steve Ryler, who first meet in Iwo Jima, as both face the possibility of death. Their paths cross again later after the war at Mattie's Tap, where Teddy works as a bartender and Steve feeds his alcoholism. Over the bar, the two seal their friendship and compare war stories. They both decide to become Boston policemen and join the motorcycle force. From here, their lives diverge-Steve follows the path of drink, while Teddy thrives on crime and corruption. Teddy has it all-from lust to...
The history books are filled with the names of World War II heroes. Among these heroes are Teddy Sheerin and Steve Ryler, who first meet in Iwo Jima, ...
The history books are filled with the names of World War II heroes. Among these heroes are Teddy Sheerin and Steve Ryler, who first meet in Iwo Jima, as both face the possibility of death. Their paths cross again later after the war at Mattie's Tap, where Teddy works as a bartender and Steve feeds his alcoholism. Over the bar, the two seal their friendship and compare war stories. They both decide to become Boston policemen and join the motorcycle force. From here, their lives diverge-Steve follows the path of drink, while Teddy thrives on crime and corruption. Teddy has it all-from lust to...
The history books are filled with the names of World War II heroes. Among these heroes are Teddy Sheerin and Steve Ryler, who first meet in Iwo Jima, ...