Set in the early nineteenth century, during one of the most important periods of history in the Arabian Gulf, this groundbreaking and exciting novel is set against the backdrop of the brutal struggle between the British Empire and the tribes of the Gulf for control of the area. A British ship is on its way to deliver a precious sword from the British High Commissioner to Ibrahim Pasha, Commander of the Egyptian Army. This gift is meant to persuade Ibrahim to ally with the British against the Wahabi movement. However, when the ships of Arhom bin Jaber, The Pirate', attack this British ship...
Set in the early nineteenth century, during one of the most important periods of history in the Arabian Gulf, this groundbreaking and exciting nove...
It's the early part of the nineteenth century and the Arabian Peninsula and the waters surrounding it are ablaze. Piracy in the Gulf threatens global maritime trade routes while the Wahabbi strain of Islam is conquering followers town by town across the region. Britain, eager to reinforce its presence in the Middle East and protect the East India Company's ships, has a plan: send a man-of-war from England to quash the pirates while persuading Egypt to join an international alliance with Oman and Persia to fight the Wahabbis. At the center of it all lies a priceless Indian sword, a gift...
It's the early part of the nineteenth century and the Arabian Peninsula and the waters surrounding it are ablaze. Piracy in the Gulf threatens glob...
Oblivious to the invasions, massacres, and religious fanaticism that characterize the fifteenth century, a young girl falls in love with a noble Arabian tribal leader. But all eyes are on the Portuguese fleets in the Arabian Gulf, intent on securing the profitable spice trade.
Abdulaziz Al-Mahmoud weaves a tapestry of momentous historical events with stories of love, honor, and nobility, while guiding us around the medieval world of Lisbon, Cairo, Jeddah, and Istanbul. "" " The Holy Sail" brings to life a neglected episode of history that impacted not only the region but the...
Oblivious to the invasions, massacres, and religious fanaticism that characterize the fifteenth century, a young girl falls in love with a noble Ar...
Oblivious to the invasions, massacres, and religious fanaticism that characterize the fifteenth century, a young girl falls in love with a noble Arabian tribal leader. But all eyes are on the Portuguese fleets in the Arabian Gulf, intent on securing the profitable spice trade.
Abdulaziz Al-Mahmoud weaves a tapestry of momentous historical events with stories of love, honor, and nobility, while guiding us around the medieval world of Lisbon, Cairo, Jeddah, and Istanbul. "" " The Holy Sail" brings to life a neglected episode of history that impacted not only the region but the...
Oblivious to the invasions, massacres, and religious fanaticism that characterize the fifteenth century, a young girl falls in love with a noble Ar...