Text in French. Ce coffret réunit deux cahiers dexercices très pratiques et ludiques destinés aux débutants et faux-débutants en anglais. Plus de 400 exercices danglais á la progression étudiée et sous forme de jeux sont proposés, accompagnés de leurs corrigés et dune auto-évaluation. Plus de 400 exercices danglais; Grammaire, conjugaison, orthographe, pronunciation et accentuation; Testez votre niveau avec lauto-évaluation.
Text in French. Ce coffret réunit deux cahiers dexercices très pratiques et ludiques destinés aux débutants et faux-débutants en anglais. Plus de...
This comprehensive workbook has been designed to accompany students in their learning of English at any time of the year 6. It takes the form of a unit of competences allowing: To progress in both grammar, conjugation and vocabulary; From the right foot in pronunciation; To reassemble its knowledge by working on cultural aspects; Anglo-Saxons, thanks to its civilization. Each point covered consists of a reminder of varied lessons and exercises, accompanied by their answers and a self-assessment tool.
This comprehensive workbook has been designed to accompany students in their learning of English at any time of the year 6. It takes the form of a uni...
This comprehensive workbook has been designed to accompany students in their learning of English at any time of the year 5. It takes the form of a unit of competences allowing: To progress in both grammar, conjugation and vocabulary; From the right foot in pronunciation; To reassemble its knowledge by working on cultural aspects; Anglo-Saxons, thanks to its civilization. Each point covered consists of a reminder of varied lessons and exercises, accompanied by their answers and a self-assessment tool.
This comprehensive workbook has been designed to accompany students in their learning of English at any time of the year 5. It takes the form of a uni...
This comprehensive workbook has been designed to accompany students in their learning of English at any time of the year 6. It takes the form of a unit of competences allowing: To progress in both grammar, conjugation and vocabulary; From the right foot in pronunciation; To reassemble its knowledge by working on cultural aspects; Anglo-Saxons, thanks to its civilization. Each point covered consists of a reminder of varied lessons and exercises, accompanied by their answers and a self-assessment tool.
This comprehensive workbook has been designed to accompany students in their learning of English at any time of the year 6. It takes the form of a uni...
Let's talk about sex, maybe? Pourquoi ne pas entretenir votreanglais avec humour (et amour) autour d'une suite d'activités,de jeux et d'exercices sur ce thème, dans un volume original quivous permettra aussi d'en apprendre davantage sur la civilisationbritannique ?La collection Langues, etc. présente un pricipe unique : autourd'une thématique qui vous plaît, vous attire ou vous passionne,vous entretenez votre niveau de langue avec des jeux et desexercices, sans même vous en rendre compte.+33(0)1 45 76 87 37 - contact@assimil.com www.assimil.com9/07/2019Visuels et prix non...
Let's talk about sex, maybe? Pourquoi ne pas entretenir votreanglais avec humour (et amour) autour d'une suite d'activités,de jeux et d'exercices sur...