Examines the physical phenomena related to the existence, the creation and the functioning of the material part, our Universe and the Cosmos. This book describes the human perception of the Cosmos and the Universe as we know them, and the cosmological ideas about the creation.
Examines the physical phenomena related to the existence, the creation and the functioning of the material part, our Universe and the Cosmos. This boo...
The book describes our up-to-date knowledge of the Universe and suggests a new theory, the "Theory of the Chain Reaction", which explains the creation and the functioning of the material part of our Universe and the whole Cosmos. The first five chapters described herein cover the evolution of human knowledge about the Universe, the Universe as it is known today, the elementary particles and the fundamental forces, the theory of the big bang and the other existing cosmological theories about the creation. After the above, the author presents the "Theory of the Chain Reaction", a revolutionary...
The book describes our up-to-date knowledge of the Universe and suggests a new theory, the "Theory of the Chain Reaction", which explains the creation...