Radiobiology has made great steps forward in the development of mechanisms forming the basis of various radiation effects. This title examines the processes of premature ageing induced by irradiation. It assesses the health of the population irradiated inh
Radiobiology has made great steps forward in the development of mechanisms forming the basis of various radiation effects. This title examines the pro...
Sergei D Varfolomeev, Elena B Burlakova, Anatolii A Popov, Gennady E Zaukov
Presents research in Chemical and Biochemical physics. Biochemical Physics is a science that joins the three natural sciences biology, chemistry and physics into one comprehensive study. This book presents papers that reveal developments in this interestin
Presents research in Chemical and Biochemical physics. Biochemical Physics is a science that joins the three natural sciences biology, chemistry and p...
Sergei D Varfolomeev, Elena B Burlakova, Anatolii A Popov, Gennady E Zaikov
Chemical physics addresses a large range of problems. An effective chemical physicist is a 'jack-of-all-trades', able to apply the principles and techniques of the field to everything from high-tech materials to biology. This book presents papers that reveal the developments in this field.
Chemical physics addresses a large range of problems. An effective chemical physicist is a 'jack-of-all-trades', able to apply the principles and tech...
Gennady E Zaikov, Sergei D Varfolomeev, Elena B Burlakova, Anatoly A Popov
This book examines information regarding the influence of Ichfan-10 and Phenozan on the content of two apoptotic proteins in the blood and the spleen of mice. Particular attention is placed on the perspectives of different types of polymer nanocomposite applications as engineering materials; structural analysis of nanocomposites polymer/organoclay microhardness; disturbance of oxidative homeostasis in blood of patients with mental diseases; quenching of SYBRGreen fluorescence on DNA matrix by Au nanoparticles; biodegradation of the films of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate and its blends in soil and...
This book examines information regarding the influence of Ichfan-10 and Phenozan on the content of two apoptotic proteins in the blood and the spleen ...