A trustworthy repository provides assurance in the form of management documents, event logs, and audit trails that digital objects are being managed correctly. The assurance includes plans for the sustainability of the repository, the accession of digital records, the management of technology evolution, and the mitigation of the risk of data loss. A detailed assessment is provided by the ISO-16363:2012 standard, "Space data and information transfer systems-Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories." This book examines whether the ISO specification for trustworthiness can be...
A trustworthy repository provides assurance in the form of management documents, event logs, and audit trails that digital objects are being managed c...
Genealogies document relationships between persons involved in historical events. Information about the events is parsed from communications from the past. This book explores a way to organize information from multiple communications into a trustworthy representation of a genealogical history of the modern world. The approach defines metrics for evaluating the consistency, correctness, closure, connectivity, completeness, and coherence of a genealogy. The metrics are evaluated using a 312,000-person research genealogy that explores the common ancestors of the royal families of Europe. A major...
Genealogies document relationships between persons involved in historical events. Information about the events is parsed from communications from the ...