Power electronics systems are nonlinear variable structure systems. They involve passive components such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors, semiconductor switches such as thyristors and MOSFETs, and circuits for control. The analysis and design of such systems presents significant challenges. Fortunately, increased availability of powerful computer and simulation programs makes the analysis/design process much easier. PSIM® is an electronic circuit simulation software package, designed specifically for use in power electronics and motor drive simulations but can be used to...
Power electronics systems are nonlinear variable structure systems. They involve passive components such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors, semi...
Modeling is the process of formulating a mathematical description of the system. A model, no matter how detailed, is never a completely accurate representation of a real physical system. A mathematical model is always just an approximation of the true, physical reality of the system dynamics. Uncertainty refers to the differences or errors between model and real systems and whatever methodology is used to present these errors will be called an uncertainty model. Successful robust control-system design would depend on, to a certain extent, an appropriate description of the perturbation...
Modeling is the process of formulating a mathematical description of the system. A model, no matter how detailed, is never a completely accurate repre...
DC-DC converters have many applications in the modern world. They provide the required power to the communication backbones, they are used in digital devices like laptops and cell phones, and they have widespread applications in electric cars, to just name a few. DC-DC converters require negative feedback to provide a suitable output voltage or current for the load. Obtaining a stable output voltage or current in presence of disturbances such as: input voltage changes and/or output load changes seems impossible without some form of control. This book tries to train the art of...
DC-DC converters have many applications in the modern world. They provide the required power to the communication backbones, they are used in digital ...
Measurement is the process of obtaining the magnitude of a quantity relative to an agreed standard. Electronic measurement, which is the subject of this book, is the measurement of electronic quantities like voltage, current, resistance, inductance, and capacitance, to name a few. This book provides practical information concerning the techniques in electronic measurements and knowledge on how to use the electronic measuring instruments appropriately. The book is composed of five chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on digital multimeters. You will learn how to use it for measurement of AC/DC...
Measurement is the process of obtaining the magnitude of a quantity relative to an agreed standard. Electronic measurement, which is the subject of th...