The thrilling sequel to the acclaimed BRIGHTSTORM: A SKY SHIP ADVENTURE. The Brightstorm twins are back for another adventure! Eudora Vane has organized an explorer fleet to search the last known destination of missing adventurer Ermitage Wrigglesworth. Harriet Culpepper and the crew of the Aurora join the mission, but they don't believe that Eudora has good intentions. What is she really looking for? Arthur is determined to find out, and when disaster strikes and the Brightstorm twins are separated, will he and Maudie be able to ...
The thrilling sequel to the acclaimed BRIGHTSTORM: A SKY SHIP ADVENTURE. The Brightstorm twins are back for another adventure! Eudora Vane ...
When young warden in training Grace Griffin goes against her family's wishes she's soon tangled up in a dangerous scheme in this new steampunk, fantasy adventure from Blue Peter Book Award-winner Vashti Hardy.
When young warden in training Grace Griffin goes against her family's wishes she's soon tangled up in a dangerous scheme in this new steampunk, fantas...
Join Harley, her robot dog Sprocket and best friend Cosmo for problem-solving adventures and mysteries in Inventia, a world where science rules and technology grows in the forest; and where exploding science projects, giant slugs and runaway robots are all part of a normal school day.
Join Harley, her robot dog Sprocket and best friend Cosmo for problem-solving adventures and mysteries in Inventia, a world where science rules and te...
There's mystery afoot in Moreland as Warden Grace Griffin investigates a puzzling series of thefts ... Award-winner Vashti Hardy celebrates kindness, found family and brilliantly inventive kids in this steampunk companion to The Griffin Gate.
There's mystery afoot in Moreland as Warden Grace Griffin investigates a puzzling series of thefts ... Award-winner Vashti Hardy celebrates kindness, ...