An explosive, passionate play about a Welsh family and the American dream, "House of America" is an angsty, unsentimental work that deals with themes such as the disintegration (or lack) of national identity and the absence of a father figure. When their father abandons them for a new life in California and an open-cast mine encroaches on their house, life for the family is going to change forever. Mam goes mad after killing a cat called Brando, and despite hometown brother Boyo s protests, nothing can stop Sid and Gwenny from retreating into a fantasy world of Jack Kerouac and his Beat...
An explosive, passionate play about a Welsh family and the American dream, "House of America" is an angsty, unsentimental work that deals with themes ...
See life through the eyes of a young cracker cowboy growing up in Old Floridas cow country during the 1940s and 50s. I put in thousands of miles on horseback chasing (and sometimes running from) old Floridas scrub cattle, (a mean and ornery bunch!). This was my life from age 8 until my early 20s. I received a hard earned PHD in "Cow-ography" by the age of 15. Somehow I lived through being thrown off a horse at least 50 times; being bit, kicked, reared up and fell on, scraped off on trees, ran under tree limbs and yet came out all in one piece (well, more or less).
After being married at age...
See life through the eyes of a young cracker cowboy growing up in Old Floridas cow country during the 1940s and 50s. I put in thousands of miles on ho...