Integrated circuits have revolutionised the world of electronics and the associated areas of computing and communication. In past years the tasks of designing, manufacturing and testing these types of circuit were restricted to a few specialist engineers. However, within recent years the proliferation of computer tools and affordable access to IC manufacturing foundries has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of people designing ICs for the first time, both in universities and colleges and in industry. This book introduces the reader to all aspects of IC design, manufacture and...
Integrated circuits have revolutionised the world of electronics and the associated areas of computing and communication. In past years the tasks of d...
The classic Christological formulations of the 4th and 5th Centuries are basically meaningless today. Questioning the Incarnation offers a new approach to Christology based on modern biblical, scientific and philosophical studies. Whilst using different concepts and language and courting controversy and disagreement, the overall thrust of the study is to take Jesus' humanity seriously, whilst seeking to interpret what may be meant by his 'divinity' in a way that remains fully Trinitarian and which takes seriously the intentions of the early Church Fathers.
The classic Christological formulations of the 4th and 5th Centuries are basically meaningless today. Questioning the Incarnation offers a new approac...