Separated into 10 subject matters, the book contains numerous poems and short stories reflecting how my life experiences and the hundreds of books I have read. The subjects are relevant to everyone; Passing, Man, Wisdom, Time, Personal, History, Life, Woman, Metaphysics, and Religion.
Separated into 10 subject matters, the book contains numerous poems and short stories reflecting how my life experiences and the hundreds of books ...
First published in 1999, The Management of Child Protection Services is not about child abuse but about child protection. It is about the arrangements that professionals from different disciplines make to ensure they operate together effectively to protect the most vulnerable children in society. The book examines five different contexts of child protection: historical, cross-cultural, structural, managerial and professional and consideration of the operation of Area Child Protection Committees. In exploring these contexts, the book seeks to address such questions as: ‘how can universal...
First published in 1999, The Management of Child Protection Services is not about child abuse but about child protection. It is about the arrangements...