Photovoltaics are one of the essentials for future energy requirements for sure but in the present time bulky silicon based cells are also asking to be replaced with some new technologies. Organic solar cells are one of the answers. We need to model these devices accurately so that we may precisely understand the obstacles in further development of these cells. This book explains various aspects of organic solar cell modelling.
Photovoltaics are one of the essentials for future energy requirements for sure but in the present time bulky silicon based cells are also asking to b...
Le blé (Triticum aestivum L.), cultivé sur une superficie de 30,6 millions d'hectares, occupe 72 % de la superficie dans la NWPZ et la NEPZ et 17 % dans la CZ de l'Inde. Pendant la période de la révolution verte, sa production a été multipliée par plus de cinq, passant de 12,26 MT en 1964-65 à 93,50 MT en 2015-16. La productivité actuelle du blé est de 3093 kg/ha dans le pays, ce qui pourrait être attribué à l'adoption de variétés à haut rendement sensibles aux intrants et à des technologies de gestion agricole améliorées. Parmi les différents intrants agricoles, les...
Le blé (Triticum aestivum L.), cultivé sur une superficie de 30,6 millions d'hectares, occupe 72 % de la superficie dans la NWPZ et la NEPZ et 17 % ...
Dental fluorosis is a developmental disturbance of dental enamel, caused by successive exposures to high concentrations of fluoride during tooth development, leading to enamel with lower mineral content and increased porosity. The severity of dental fluorosis depends on when and for how long the overexposure to fluoride occurs, the individual response, weight, degree of physical activity, nutritional factors and bone growth. The risk period for esthetic changes in permanent teeth is between 20 and 30 months of age. The recommended level for daily fluoride intake is 0.05 - 0.07 mg F/Kg/day,...
Dental fluorosis is a developmental disturbance of dental enamel, caused by successive exposures to high concentrations of fluoride during tooth devel...
Weizen (Triticum aestivum L.) wird auf einer Fläche von 30,6 Millionen Hektar angebaut und nimmt 72 % der Fläche in der NWPZ und NEPZ und 17 % in der CZ Indiens ein. Während der grünen Revolution stieg die Produktion um mehr als das Fünffache von 12,26 Tonnen im Jahr 1964-65 auf 93,50 Tonnen im Jahr 2015-16. Die derzeitige Produktivität von Weizen liegt bei 3093 kg/ha, was auf die Einführung ertragsstarker Sorten und verbesserter Agrarmanagementtechnologien zurückzuführen ist. Von den verschiedenen Agro-Inputs tragen Düngemittel allein etwa 40 % zur Produktivität von Weizen bei. In...
Weizen (Triticum aestivum L.) wird auf einer Fläche von 30,6 Millionen Hektar angebaut und nimmt 72 % der Fläche in der NWPZ und NEPZ und 17 % in de...
Dentistry over the years has been held by lay man as a feeling of dread. This fear of the dentist over the generations has been mainly due to unpleasant experiences incurred by the patient either due to lack of knowledge or of previous dreadful experiences of dental treatment narrated to them. In routine practice we encounter certain circumstances which do not empower the practitioner neither to use general anaesthesia nor it is advised to carry out the procedure under local anaesthesia alone. Thus the lack of understanding of the conveyed verbal massage to these patients made the attempted...
Dentistry over the years has been held by lay man as a feeling of dread. This fear of the dentist over the generations has been mainly due to unpleasa...
The Ayurveda products have been found effective in many rare diseases, but the standardization gives demerit to these products. The effective standardization protocol remains a bottleneck for drug discovery scientists. In the sequence of the Ayurveda formulation, the polyherbal Churna has been tried for the development of the churna method. The Central Council for Researching in the Ayurveda field has guided for the general standardization, which is taken as a reference for the standardization protocol. Herbal formulation standardization are necessary for accessing the quality of drugs...
The Ayurveda products have been found effective in many rare diseases, but the standardization gives demerit to these products. The effective standard...