Featuring classic stories from Mega-City, this collection gives readers the chance to rediscover the adventures of Judge Dredd. Mega-City One is the future metropolis bustling with life and every crime imaginable. Keeping order are the Judges, a stern police force acting as judge, juru and executioner.
Featuring classic stories from Mega-City, this collection gives readers the chance to rediscover the adventures of Judge Dredd. Mega-City One is the f...
Garth Ennis returns to the horrifyingly brutal world he created with a story that fans have waited over five years for The Crossed outbreak created a miserable, grueling world of monsters that dash out all hope of survival and ensures a terrifying end to everything in their path. For the first time, master storyteller Garth Ennis takes you back to the early days of outbreak and delivers the unexpected -- a Patient Zero tale. With the outbreak spreading like wildfire across the globe, a group of soldiers attempt to piece together how the disease spread so quickly and to reverse the...
Garth Ennis returns to the horrifyingly brutal world he created with a story that fans have waited over five years for The Crossed outbreak ...