With the development of the World-Wide Web, data management problems have branched out from the traditional framework in which tabular data is processed under the strict control of an application, and address today the rich variety of information that is found on the Web, considering a variety of ?exible envir- ments under which such data can be searched, classi ed, and processed. Da- base systems are coming forward today in a new role as the primary backend for the information provided on the Web. Most of today s Web accesses trigger some form of content generation from a database, while...
With the development of the World-Wide Web, data management problems have branched out from the traditional framework in which tabular data is process...
Janis Grundspenkis, Tadeusz Morzy, Gottfried Vossen
These proceedings contain 25 contributed papers presented at the 13th East- EuropeanConferenceAdvances on Databases and InformationSystems (ADBIS 2009) held September 7-10, 2009, in Riga, Latvia. The Call for Papers attracted 93 submissions from 28 countries. In a rigorous reviewing process the inter- tional Program Committee of 64 members from 29 countries selected these 25 contributions for publication in this volume; in addition, there is the abstract of an invited talk by Matthias Brantner. Furthermore, 18 additional contributions were selected for short presentations and have been...
These proceedings contain 25 contributed papers presented at the 13th East- EuropeanConferenceAdvances on Databases and InformationSystems (ADBIS 2009...
Dieses Buch gibt eine umfassende und systematische Einfuhrung in die grundlegenden Konzepte von Datenbanken und Datenbanksystemen, behandelt die im Kontext objekt-relationaler Datenbanken relevanten Themen wie XML, XQuery und SQL und erlautert die Datenintegration uber Architekturkonzepte, Data Warehouses und OLAP sowie Data Mining. Es schliessen sich Datenbanksystemtechniken und ein Einblick in neuere Entwicklungen an."
Dieses Buch gibt eine umfassende und systematische Einfuhrung in die grundlegenden Konzepte von Datenbanken und Datenbanksystemen, behandelt die im Ko...
Frank Schönthaler, Gottfried Vossen, Andreas Oberweis, Thomas Karle
This book offers a quick-start into model-based business process engineering. It details the Horus Method, which can be used with other tools or, if necessary, be used even without tool support.
This book offers a quick-start into model-based business process engineering. It details the Horus Method, which can be used with other tools or, if ...
Frank Schönthaler, Gottfried Vossen, Andreas Oberweis, Thomas Karle
After a brief introduction to the topic of business process modeling, the book offers a quick-start into model-based business process engineering. After that, the foundations of the modeling languages used are conveyed. Meaningful examples are in the foreground - each of the underlying formalisms is treated only as far as needed. Next the Horus Method is described in detail. The book defines a sequence of activities which finally leads to the creation of a complete business process model. The Horus Method, incidentally, is not bound to the use of the Horus software tools. It can be used with...
After a brief introduction to the topic of business process modeling, the book offers a quick-start into model-based business process engineering. Aft...