This volume presents the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Theorem Provers in Circuit Design (TPCD '94) jointly organized by the Forschungszentrum Informatik (University of Karlsruhe) and IFIP Working Group 10.2 in Bad Herrenalb, Germany in September 1994. The 19 papers included are thoroughly revised versions of the submissions selected for presentation at the conference and address all current aspects of theorem provers in circuit design. Particular emphasis is given to benchmark-circuits for hardware verification; tutorials on two popular theorem provers are...
This volume presents the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Theorem Provers in Circuit Design (TPCD '94) jointly organized by the F...
CHARME 99 is the tenth in a series of working conferences devoted to the dev- opment and use of leading-edge formal techniques and tools for the design and veri?cation of hardware and systems. Previous conferences have been held in Darmstadt (1984), Edinburgh (1985), Grenoble (1986), Glasgow (1988), Leuven (1989), Torino (1991), Arles (1993), Frankfurt (1995) and Montreal (1997). This workshop and conference series has been organized in cooperation with IFIP WG 10. 5. It is now the biannual counterpart of FMCAD, which takes place every even-numbered year in the USA. The 1999 event took place...
CHARME 99 is the tenth in a series of working conferences devoted to the dev- opment and use of leading-edge formal techniques and tools for the desig...