Special Focus editor: Natasha Lushetich Series editors: Rüdiger Ahrens, Florian Kläger, Klaus Stierstorfer Symbolism is cohesive. It gathers heterogeneity over time, across fields of human endeavor and systems of communication. Non-sequiturs, paradox and tautology, appear dissipative. Yet they are highly productive in reticular and fractal ways. Suffice it to look at the philosophical tautology of Parmenides’s kind, which suggests that being "is"; at the practice of the koan, which collapses dualistic thinking by way of incompatible propositions, such as "the Eastern hill keeps running...
Special Focus editor: Natasha Lushetich Series editors: Rüdiger Ahrens, Florian Kläger, Klaus Stierstorfer Symbolism is cohesive. It gathers hete...