This groundbreaking new perspective on Le Corbusier is based on exhaustive archival research and the study of neglected or completely unknown documents. It is innovative in showing the role of materials and construction techniques in the architecture of Le Corbusier and the book also delves into the project management and the construction of several buildings in the period 1940 - 1965. Each worksite, from the Unite d'Habitation (Housing Unit) in Marseille to the city of Chandigarh, and the Tokyo museum, the Carpenter Center in Cambridge and the Unite d'Habitation in Berlin, is analyzed in...
This groundbreaking new perspective on Le Corbusier is based on exhaustive archival research and the study of neglected or completely unknown docum...
During his long career, Pier Luigi Nervi has explored the potential of concrete through the cast-in place and the prefabrication of elements in reinforced concrete or in ferro-cement, the material he invented and patented during the war. All of his best known works, such as the Berta Stadium, the hangars built in Orivieto, Orbetello and Torre del Lago Puccini, the Halls of the Turin Exposition Center, the Unesco buildings, the Little Sport Palace and the Papal Audience Hall represent an important chapter in the history of architecture, structure and construction of the twentieth...
During his long career, Pier Luigi Nervi has explored the potential of concrete through the cast-in place and the prefabrication of elements in rei...