Paul J.J. Welfens, Franz Knipping, Suthiphand Chirathivat
Broadening and deepening of economic and political integration are hallmarks of the EU and ASEAN. This book critically analyses the economic and institutional changes in both Europe and Asia. There is considerable potential for instability, but one also finds regional growth opportunities. Comparative policy analysis and evaluation of various cooperation strategies are presented. Emphasis is on banking, financial market dynamics, ICT, and macroeconomic policies as well as trade, energy, and environmental issues. Legal aspects are combined with historical and economic perspectives. Due...
Broadening and deepening of economic and political integration are hallmarks of the EU and ASEAN. This book critically analyses the economic and insti...
This book analyzes the dynamics and impacts of software development and discusses new institutional and economic changes in the context of digital market economies. Regulatory approaches in OECD countries are compared and country studies evaluated with respect to innovation and welfare aspects. The book furthermore examines telecommunications regulation of fixed line networks, cable TV and mobile communications. Also discusses the role of EU framework regulation and issues of market power.
This book analyzes the dynamics and impacts of software development and discusses new institutional and economic changes in the context of digital ...
Internationalization of the economy accelerated at the turn of the century. Growing national, regional, and global environmental problems associated with globalization present new challenges for policy-makers and international cooperation. Crucial problems concern air pollution, environmental problems from trade and transportation, and global warming. This book, based on theoretical and empirical analysis, comes up with new and innovative policy options, including proposals related to the Kyoto protocol.
Internationalization of the economy accelerated at the turn of the century. Growing national, regional, and global environmental problems associated w...
Die Unterschiedlichkeit der Wachstumsraten in der Eurozone und insbesondere die Wachstumsschw che Deutschlands im Vergleich zu der starken Wachstumsbeschleunigung in den USA in den 90er Jahren sind Anlass f r die fundierte Untersuchung von Wirtschafts- und Wachstumstrends in diesem Band. Dabei wird die Wachstumsdynamik in Verbindung mit strukturellem Wandel sowie Innovations- und Au enhandelsdynamik analysiert. Besondere Ber cksichtigung findet die Wachstumsrelevanz der New Economy. Neben weiteren empirischen Befunden zur Spezialisierungsentwicklung steht die Diskussion der Optionen einer...
Die Unterschiedlichkeit der Wachstumsraten in der Eurozone und insbesondere die Wachstumsschw che Deutschlands im Vergleich zu der starken Wachstum...
Structural change, economic growth and adequate exchange rate adjustment are key challenges in the context of EU eastern enlargement as are consistent macroeconomic policies. The authors focus on sectoral adjustment across industries in catching-up countries and explain changes in the composition of output this includes new aspects of the Chenery model. They describe and analyze the spatial pattern of specialization and adjustment in many countries. Theoretical and empirical analysis of foreign direct investment, innovation and structural change shed new light on economic dynamics in Old...
Structural change, economic growth and adequate exchange rate adjustment are key challenges in the context of EU eastern enlargement as are consist...
Edward M. Graham, Nina Oding and Paul J. J. Welfens Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have achieved sustained economic growth in first half of the new decade in the 2V DEGREES century. EU ac- cession countries which have joined the EU have benefited mainly from high capital inflows, a reduced risk premium - with shadow effects of this already occurring in the years before explicit membership - and growing trade. While system transformation has undermined trade between Eastern Europe and Russia for several years there are medium prospects for grow- ing trade in the whole of Europe....
Edward M. Graham, Nina Oding and Paul J. J. Welfens Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have achieved sustained economic growth in first half o...
Economic globalization is a complex phenomenon where the links between social security expenditures and globalization are not well understood so far. This study summarizes new key findings and highlights new theoretical insights in the field of social security systems, labor standards, taxation and economic globalization. Moreover, new thoughts on the links between social security systems and migration as well as between free trade areas and social market economy development are presented. The book analyzes the role of a changing age dependency using a Branson model and it derives...
Economic globalization is a complex phenomenon where the links between social security expenditures and globalization are not well understood so fa...
Paul J.J. Welfens, Peter Zoche, Andre Jungmittag, Bernd Beckert, Martina Joisten
In dieser Untersuchung geht es um die konomische und technologische Dynamik der Informations- und Kommunikationswirtschaft in Deutschland, Westeuropa und den USA. Dabei werden neben den mittelfristigen Entwicklungen auf digitalen M rkten auch langfristige Trends in der Internetwirtschaft analysiert. Ausgehend von den nationalen Befunden und internationalen Vergleichen werden wachstums- und besch ftigungsf rderliche Politikoptionen thematisiert sowie Politiksimulationen dargestellt, die f r Deutschland ein Besch ftigungsplus von bis zu 700.000 Arbeitspl tzen bis 2010 in Aussicht stellen....
In dieser Untersuchung geht es um die konomische und technologische Dynamik der Informations- und Kommunikationswirtschaft in Deutschland, Westeuro...
Internationalization of the economy accelerated at the turn of the century. Growing national, regional, and global environmental problems associated with globalization present new challenges for policy-makers and international cooperation. Crucial problems concern air pollution, environmental problems from trade and transportation, and global warming. This book, based on theoretical and empirical analysis, comes up with new and innovative policy options, including proposals related to the Kyoto protocol.
Internationalization of the economy accelerated at the turn of the century. Growing national, regional, and global environmental problems associated w...
Paul J.J. Welfens, John T. Addison, David B. Audretsch, Thomas Gries, Hariolf Grupp, S. Jungbluth, H. Meyer
In the new global economy, more countries have opened up to international competition and rapid capital flows. However, in the triad the process of globalization is rather asymmetric. With a rising role of multinational companies there are favorable prospects for higher global growth and economic catching-up, respectively. Theoretical analysis suggests key ingredients of sustained growth, but there is also a new concept of a long-term equilibrium income gap in which convergence is rather unlikely. The analysis also picks up European and US labor market issues in the context of economic...
In the new global economy, more countries have opened up to international competition and rapid capital flows. However, in the triad the process of gl...