Join Jennifer "Jenny Bunns" once again in her 5th installment of her ongoing comic strip diary about life as a female tattoo artist. Cute, endearing, funny, and totally relate-able, her stick figure antics make you want to give her hugs
Join Jennifer "Jenny Bunns" once again in her 5th installment of her ongoing comic strip diary about life as a female tattoo artist. Cute, endearing, ...
The third volume of Jennifer Young's comic strip-style diary. Originally published online, brings you a hardcopy of the cartoon version of her life as a tattoo artist and a young woman still growing up.
The third volume of Jennifer Young's comic strip-style diary. Originally published online, brings you a hardcopy of the cartoon version of her life as...
Join Jenny "Bunns" Young in her sixth volume of Diary of an Apprentice, a comic strip diary about her life as a female tattoo artist in the Atlanta, GA area. Cute, endearing, and full of laughs, anyone can relate to and enjoy this great little book
Join Jenny "Bunns" Young in her sixth volume of Diary of an Apprentice, a comic strip diary about her life as a female tattoo artist in the Atlanta, G...
This is Jennifer "Jenny Bunns" Young's last volume of Diary of an Apprentice, her comic strip diary about her life as a Midwestern transplant living in the American South as a tattoo artist/apprentice. It recounts her last days at her alma mater, Skinwerks Tattoo & Design in Carrollton, GA, and her first day at her new studio, Timeless Tattoo in Atlanta, GA. She will pick up where she left off in her new upcoming diary series, The Inkbunny Diaries.
This is Jennifer "Jenny Bunns" Young's last volume of Diary of an Apprentice, her comic strip diary about her life as a Midwestern transplant living i...