Tanzania is often seen as an exceptional case of successful language planning in Africa, with Swahili being spread to all corners of the country. Yet, this objective success has always been accompanied by a culture of complaints proclaiming its utter failure. State Ideology and Language in Tanzania sets out to explore this paradox through a richly documented historical, sociolinguistic and anthropological approach covering the story of Swahili from the early days of independence until today. Focusing on the ways in which Swahili was swept up in the 'Ujamaa revolution' - the transition to...
Tanzania is often seen as an exceptional case of successful language planning in Africa, with Swahili being spread to all corners of the country. Yet,...
Tanzania is often seen as an exceptional case of successful language planning in Africa, with Swahili being spread to all corners of the country. Yet, this objective success has always been accompanied by a culture of complaints proclaiming its utter failure. State Ideology and Language in Tanzania sets out to explore this paradox through a richly documented historical, sociolinguistic and anthropological approach covering the story of Swahili from the early days of independence until today. Focusing on the ways in which Swahili was swept up in the 'Ujamaa revolution' - the transition to...
Tanzania is often seen as an exceptional case of successful language planning in Africa, with Swahili being spread to all corners of the country. Yet,...
Řada míst na světě dnes díky zvýšené fluktuaci osob a rozvoji telekomunikace prochází zásadními proměnami, které výrazně diverzifikují tyto lokality co do přítomnosti různých jazyků a kultur. Kniha Jana Blommaerta, jednoho z nejinspirativnějších sociolingvistů současnosti, prezentuje teorii sociolingvistiky globalizace v nápaditém propojení s koncepty sémiotiky, analýzy diskurzu, migračních studií a etnografie. Zejména etnografie, charakteristická snahou adekvátně postihnout sociální a kulturní komplexitu zkoumaných lokalit v jejich historické...
Řada míst na světě dnes díky zvýšené fluktuaci osob a rozvoji telekomunikace prochází zásadními proměnami, které výrazně diverzifikuj...