Drama Schemes provides a scheme of work for drama students in each year of key stages 3-4, all of which have been conceived and developed through Mark Wheeller's own teaching experiences. This is the first book to look at the teaching practices of the internationally-renowned playwright.
Drama Schemes provides a scheme of work for drama students in each year of key stages 3-4, all of which have been conceived and developed through Mark...
Pandemexplosion shares positive journeys through the pandemic, contrasted with the horror of the 2020 Port of Beirut explosion, as a verbatim play. Commissioned by International School of London, Pandemexplosion offers a diverse ensemble cast ample opportunity for imaginative theatrical interpretation typical of a classic Wheeller play.
Pandemexplosion shares positive journeys through the pandemic, contrasted with the horror of the 2020 Port of Beirut explosion, as a verbatim play. Co...