The Kyoto Summer Institute 1980 (KSI '80), devoted to "Fundamental Physics of Amorphous Semiconductors," was held at Research Institute for Fundamental Physics (RIFP), Kyoto University, from 8-11 September, 1980. The KSI '80 was the successor of the preceding Institutes which were held in July 1978 on "Particle Physics and Accelerator Projects" and in September 1979 on "Physics of Low-Dimensional Systems." The KSI '80 was attended by 200 participants, of which 36 were from abroad: Canada, France, Korea, Poland, U.K., U.S.A, U.S.S.R., and the Federal Republic of Germany. The KSI '80 was...
The Kyoto Summer Institute 1980 (KSI '80), devoted to "Fundamental Physics of Amorphous Semiconductors," was held at Research Institute for Fundamenta...