This is perhaps the best and most comprehensive book on prayer ever written. From the persons of the Trinity through the Incarnation to the Church and the very structure of the human person, this book is a powerful synthesis of what prayer is and how to pray. The testament of a great theologian on something which is most personal and interior, contemplative prayer.
This is perhaps the best and most comprehensive book on prayer ever written. From the persons of the Trinity through the Incarnation to the Church and...
This unique, in-depth, comprehensive, theological biography of two holy young Carmelite sisters gives profound insights into their spirituality. Von Balthasar probes the depths of their cloistered lives and shows how each woman gave powerful witness to the critical importance of contemplation as a means to holiness for all.
This unique, in-depth, comprehensive, theological biography of two holy young Carmelite sisters gives profound insights into their spirituality. Von B...
In the twelve months before his sudden death, Hans Urs von Balthasar had been writing a series of reflections on the twelve articles of the Apostles' Creed. These texts, which are undoubtedly among the last things he wrote, take on the character of a legacy, a spiritual testament. For they amount in their extraordinary compactness and depth to a little "summa" of his theology. What he had set out in detail in numerous books over five decades, he summarizes here in contemplative plainness and simplicity.
All the characteristics that make von Balthasar's work so distinctive and...
In the twelve months before his sudden death, Hans Urs von Balthasar had been writing a series of reflections on the twelve articles of the Apostle...
První svazek rozměrné trilogie, která v předvečer druhé světové války (1937-1939) přinesla syntetizující pohled na vývoj moderní německé literatury a filozofie z hlediska proměn eschatologického myšlení. První díl se soustředí na epochu osvícenství a romantismu a jako jejich hlavní rys vykládá posuny křesťanské eschatologie směrem k prométheovskému principu, k imanentizujícímu a subjektivizujícímu pojetí vztahu mezi lidským duchem, přírodou, dějinami a božstvím. Spis má navzdory tematické šíři (od Lessinga či Herdera přes romantiky a...
První svazek rozměrné trilogie, která v předvečer druhé světové války (1937-1939) přinesla syntetizující pohled na vývoj moderní němec...