Meet Morris and Lona Cohen, an ordinary-seeming couple living on a teacher's salary in a nondescript building on the East Side of New York City. On a hot afternoon in the autumn of 1950, a trusted colleague knocked at their door, held up a finger for silence, then began scribbling a note: Go now. Leave the lights on, walk out, don't look back. Born and raised in the Bronx and recruited to play football at Mississippi State, Morris Cohen fought for the Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War and with the U.S. Army in World War II. He and his wife, Lona, were as American as football and fried...
Meet Morris and Lona Cohen, an ordinary-seeming couple living on a teacher's salary in a nondescript building on the East Side of New York City. On a ...
The surprising story of one of the darkest episodes in espionage history: the 'midnight war' devised by America and Allied powers to depose Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin and invade Russia.
The surprising story of one of the darkest episodes in espionage history: the 'midnight war' devised by America and Allied powers to depose Soviet lea...