For the global economy, corruption is dangerous. The consequence is economic decay, not development. And that's why corruption demands a truly global response, one that knows no limits on collaboration. - US Attorney General Eric H. Holder at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in May 2010 *** The fight against corruption and bribery is backed by numerous global and regional agreements and conventions, supplemented by national legislation and practice, such as the Convention of the OECD on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business...
For the global economy, corruption is dangerous. The consequence is economic decay, not development. And that's why corruption demands a truly global ...
Corporate internal investigations have become more and more important for businesses as a means to minimize business liability risks. These liability risks often result from a managerial failure to observe a particular regulatory code. For international businesses, the obligation upon management to supervise compliance does not stop at national borders, and the introduction of whistle-blowing systems within businesses is only a small step in terms of minimizing the risks. The greater challenge for businesses is to examine and analyze the findings of internal investigations, and this often...
Corporate internal investigations have become more and more important for businesses as a means to minimize business liability risks. These liability ...