Wu Zhang, Zhangxin Chen, Roland Glowinski, Weiqin Tong
A large international conference on High Performance Computing and its - plications was held in Shanghai, China, August 8-10, 2004. It served as a forum to present current work by researchers and software developers from around the world as well as to highlight activities in the high performance computing area. It aimed to bring together research scientists, application - oneers, andsoftwaredeveloperstodiscussproblemsandsolutionsandtoid- tify new issues in this area. The conference focused on the design and analysis of high performance computing algorithms, tools, and platforms and their s-...
A large international conference on High Performance Computing and its - plications was held in Shanghai, China, August 8-10, 2004. It served as a for...
Many mechanics and physics problems have variational formulations making them appropriate for numerical treatment by finite element techniques and efficient iterative methods. This book describes the mathematical background and reviews the techniques for solving problems, including those that require large computations such as transonic flows for compressible fluids and the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible viscous fluids. Finite element approximations and non-linear relaxation, augmented Lagrangians, and nonlinear least square methods are all covered in detail, as are many...
Many mechanics and physics problems have variational formulations making them appropriate for numerical treatment by finite element techniques and ...