Claudia Ohst, Oliver Castendyk, Soenke Fock, Andrea Kyre, Artur-Axel Wandtke, Marcus Von Welser, Ferdinand Melichar
Volume 1 presents the full range of European media law with a practical orientation. It covers EU directive policy along with the problems encountered in translating Community law into national contexts. In addition, the Handbook discusses issues related to the practical enforcement of claims and licensing rights in the realm of intellectual property.
Volume 1 presents the full range of European media law with a practical orientation. It covers EU directive policy along with the problems encounte...
Artur-Axel Wandtke, Claudia Ohst, Oliver Castendyk, Thomas Tobias Hennig, Ulrich Hildebrandt, Soenke Fock, Alexander Fri
Im dritten Band werden schwerpunktmaig wettbewerbs- und werberechtliche Probleme in der Vermarktung von Medienprodukten erortert, ebenso kartellrechtliche Fragen resultierend aus den Konzentrationsprozessen in der Medienindustrie. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bilden medienbezogene Darstellungen des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes.
Im dritten Band werden schwerpunktmaig wettbewerbs- und werberechtliche Probleme in der Vermarktung von Medienprodukten erortert, ebenso kartellrec...
Artur-Axel Wandtke, Claudia Ohst, Sabine Boksanyi, Hans Joachim Gottberg, Bernd Heinrich, Philipp Köhler, Cornelius Renn
Volume 4 offers a practical presentation of press law and broadcasting law. It also includes sports law and theater law along with legal questions related to child protection and protection of personal images.
Volume 4 offers a practical presentation of press law and broadcasting law. It also includes sports law and theater law along with legal questions ...