Sozialstaatlichkeit in der DDR war eine wichtige Legitimationsressource des SED-Regimes. Sie war daruber hinaus fur das Funktionieren einer modernen industriellen Arbeitsgesellschaft unverzichtbar und pragte auch in der DDR die sozialen Lebenslagen der Bevolkerung. Der Sammelband enthalt Langsschnittstudien fur den gesamten Zeitraum der SBZ/DDR zu zentralen ausgewahlten Feldern der DDR-Sozialpolitik: Frauenpolitik, DDR-Arbeitsgesellschaft, Zentralismus und Partizipation, Konsumpolitik.
Sozialstaatlichkeit in der DDR war eine wichtige Legitimationsressource des SED-Regimes. Sie war daruber hinaus fur das Funktionieren einer modernen i...
Michael Schwartz, Dr Howard Harris, Michael Schwartz, Dr Howard Harris
The past editor of this series, was an outstanding teacher of business ethics and a longtime chair of the Theology Department at St John's University in New York City. In this title, some of the contributions are from his colleagues and reflects his influence as both a business ethics teacher and as a scholar.
The past editor of this series, was an outstanding teacher of business ethics and a longtime chair of the Theology Department at St John's University ...
This volume is a selection of papers from the 19th annual 'Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics' Conference. Topics covered include journalism ethics, organ donation, as well as an essay drawn from Daniel Wueste's keynote address on the conditions and implications of trust for the professions. Other papers include research on the ethical perils of university researchers, a values based approach to ethical culture, the ethics of hospitality-tourism practice and pedagogy, and ethical decision making processes for research in Small and Medium Enterprises.
This volume is a selection of papers from the 19th annual 'Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics' Conference. Topics covered incl...
The purpose of the series is to explore the central and unique role of organizational ethics in creating and sustaining a pluralistic, free enterprise economy. The primary goal of the research studies published here is to examine how profit seeking and not for profit organizations can be conceived and designed to satisfy legitimate human needs in an ethical and meaningful way.
The purpose of the series is to explore the central and unique role of organizational ethics in creating and sustaining a pluralistic, free enterprise...
This volume is a selection of papers from the 20th annual 'Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics' Conference. Topics covered include athletes as role models, sports ethics and sports governance, the separation of powers as an integrity mechanism, and virtues in just war theory.
This volume is a selection of papers from the 20th annual 'Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics' Conference. Topics covered incl...
Alasdair MacIntyre described humans as storytelling animals. Stories are essential to any organization. They help organizations define who they are, what they do, and how they do it. Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, in explaining their well-known search for excellence in leading organizations, wrote how they "were struck by the dominant use of story, slogan, and legend as people tried to explain the characteristics of their own great institutions" and how those "convey(ed) the organization's shared values, or culture." Indeed there is the distinct possibility of those inherited stories,...
Alasdair MacIntyre described humans as storytelling animals. Stories are essential to any organization. They help organizations define who they are, w...
The Continental tradition has always placed great emphasis on the Logos. The Gift of Logos: Essays in Continental Philosophy celebrates and situates this emphasis in the genre of the gift and its giving. The process of receiving, or giving, of the gift overcomes the existential alienation and separation that is so present in the human condition. To ritualize giving and its gifting is to provide a syntax of solidarity that bespeaks our desire for cohesion and need for identities beyond our own. To give a gift is to befriend. The gift of logos is more than a gift from the gods and goddesses; it...
The Continental tradition has always placed great emphasis on the Logos. The Gift of Logos: Essays in Continental Philosophy celebrates and situates t...