Today, the subject of Christianity and Judaism can only be explored interdisciplinarily, with the participation of researchers from the disciplines of theology, religious studies, Jewish studies, literary studies, history and philosophy. All of these disciplines can contribute important perspectives on the position of Schleiermacher. This volume contains all of the papers presented to the conference plenum as well as to the three sections.
Today, the subject of Christianity and Judaism can only be explored interdisciplinarily, with the participation of researchers from the disciplines...
Christian Danz, Roderich Barth, Jörg Lauster, Christian Danz
Anlasslich des 75. Todestages von Rudolf Otto veranstaltete die Philipps-Universitat Marburg einen Internationalen Kongress. Ottos Religionsbegriff basiert auf der Erfahrung des Heiligen. Das stellt fur die gegenwartigen Debatten in der Theologie, der Religionsphilosophie, der Religionsasthetik und schlielich auch wieder in der Religionswissenschaft ein beachtliches Anregungspotenzial bereit. Der Band dokumentiert die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der gegenwartigen Beschaftigung mit Otto in internationaler Perspektive.
Anlasslich des 75. Todestages von Rudolf Otto veranstaltete die Philipps-Universitat Marburg einen Internationalen Kongress. Ottos Religionsbegriff...
Taking interdisciplinary and interreligious approaches, this volume traces the roots of mercy and compassion in the history of religion and culture back to antiquity, examines their transformations and critiques in the Middle Ages and modern times, and, against this backdrop, explores their ethical-religious potential for the present.
Taking interdisciplinary and interreligious approaches, this volume traces the roots of mercy and compassion in the history of religion and culture ba...